Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Thoughts

While I have been contemplating the adoption process, I have been evaluating my current situation. By that, I mean:

1) Do I have an adequate support system to help me out as a single mother?
2) How can I reduce stress in other areas of my life, as I will be adding stress via single motherhood?
3) Can/Should I stay at my current residence (It is a 2 bedroom townhouse)? If not, when do I move?

This week, an opportunity presented itself. Essentially, it means moving. I'd keep the same basic job, but in a new locale. I need to make the decision on this by early next week.

The things holding me back are selling the house (I need to make a few repairs etc), disrupting my school life and my job in the short term, and putting a short hold on the adoption process. The move now, as I have not started the home study process, may be better than starting that process then moving mid-way through (whether mid-way through adoption process or mid-way through the home study).

In essence, the issue is whether now is the time to make these changes or whether I should wait until the next opportunity. Right now, it appears that the change would be the best choice, with a few hurdles to overcome. But, I do need to verify a few things before I choose. Hopefully, God will make it very clear what I need to do.

Monday, January 18, 2010

What I'm reading right now

Choosing Single Motherhood by Mikki Morrissette

Keepers of the Keys to Heaven by Roger Collins

One Church, Four Generations by Gary McIntosh

The Iowa Caucuses by John Skipper

Parenting the Hurt Child by Gregory Keck and Regina Kupecky

Raising Boys without Men by Peggy Drexler

(Yes, I tend to have several books in process at one time!)

Slow Cooking

For Christmas, I received a Nesco roaster oven, which is like a crockpot, but has degree settings. Today was the first day I had good weather and time to "smoke" out the pot. So, I set it out on my stoop and let it cook for one hour. The directions indicated this would get rid of some of the smoke from the first cooking.

As the grocery store had a special on pork, I bought several pounds. After seasoning the pot, I started cooking the pork, beginning with the pork chops.

Once the chops were seasoned with onion soup, the house filled with a wonderful odor! Next, I cooked ribs with BBQ sauce. Finishing with a pork roast, I finally got done with the extra pork.

After the meat was cooked, I packaged it to freeze.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I enjoy Sundays. However, as I add more and more responsibilities from church, I find that I am more stingy about spending my time in my Sunday afternoon and evening. It isn't that there aren't things that would be worthy of doing, but more that I enjoy my time to recover from my week/weekend and to prepare for the next week.

It is not that I necessarily accomplish things. I spend the time watching sports, reading, doing something crafty, hanging out on twitter or facebook, catching up on things and relaxing. Sometimes I do homework for my seminary classes, but often that is more to get ahead of the week than to finish up a week (or at least I strive to).

One of my favorite "Sunday" things to do is to soak my feet in a hot water bath while I either watch TV or read the paper. It really lowers my stress level! The joys of living alone, I guess.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sports Obsessed?

I enjoy sports. It's my mother's fault. In my family, my Mom is the big sports fan. She would watch college football and basketball anytime it was on TV when I was growing up . Back then we had 4 channels: ABC, CBS, NBC, & PBS. Four channels and one TV.

My Dad would go out into the family room and listen to music while my Mom watched her sports. In fairness, she had been the athlete in high school, going to the state tournament with her high school basketball team several times. My Dad, well, he had to work with his Dad on the farm and was allowed to play the trumpet in the band. No sports for him. My choice was to watch the game or go listen to the music. I often chose a book, which meant I could block out whichever was in the background.

Although my Mom likes sports, it is a limited menu. Very few races (Indy 500 was it), no hockey, and no golf.

Like my Mom, I played sports in high school. None very well. I even spent a few seasons cheerleading. As I grew older, I learned to love football, and now auto racing. I'm still not keen on hockey or golf!

Racing really is my favorite, and I have traveled across the country to go to races. Running in second place is football - either professional or college. I also enjoy women's basketball and attend ISU women's games.

One year, I counted the number of sporting events I had attended and had reach over 100 before the end of the summer.

I don't know that it qualifies me for the tag "sports obsessed," but I do spend an inordinate amount of time watching sports.

First Big Hurdle

I finally made a decision on which agency to use! I sent in the application and the application fee on Thursday, so hopefully they will receive it by mid-week next week (silly holidays!).

The next big step is to get a home study lined up and started. I have already started working on this by contacting a local agency. They should be getting back to me next week. I may be able to use the adoption agency, but again, the agency will be getting back to me.

For now, my big projects are arranging my finances, focusing on my school work, and waiting patiently for the next step.

Patience is not my strong suit, so we'll see how God shapes my character through this process!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thinking about Haiti

Like most, I am shocked by the images coming out of Haiti since the devastating earthquake. I cannot image what it would be like to have everything wiped out in an instant. No electricity. No water. No food. No way of knowing how anyone you knew was doing or where they were.

I worry about the orphans who were waiting forever families or worse, had forever families but were waiting on paperwork. Hopefully some resolution will be found to get these children to their families. It would be a nightmare to have waited years for your child and then to have everything reduced to ruble when you were so close to bring them home.

My prayers go out to those affected by the earthquake.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Closer to a decision

I think I have narrowed things down to just two agencies. I'm inclined to go with one a bit closer to home, although they both look fantastic.

I've gotten some advice from online forums and have researched the countries I am interested in adopting from. I am hopeful that I can start moving things with a homestudy this spring.

Finances are an issue, but most loans/grants etc, cannot be applied for until the home study is complete. So until that hurdle is crossed, I'll have to foot the bill!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My current Kids

A big part of my life is spent taking care of my pets, a Sheltie named Blaze and a fluffy white cat named Indy. Blaze was picked up at a farm who bred Shelties, while Indy came to me via an animal rescue.

At first, Blaze was sure they would be friends, while Indy determined that they would be mortal enemies to the death. After he was declawed, Indy decided they could be friends. Now, when I bring Blaze home from the kennel after a vacation, Indy runs up to him and licks under his chin. Blaze is equally happy to see the cat (and sometimes will groom Indy as well!).

I am amazed at how much they improve my life. They are constant companions, and both like to "talk" during the course of our time together. Blaze will even prompt me if I am running late for work (although this is more because he's anxious for his treat, not because of his concern for my tardiness).

If I adopt a child, the child will likely be added to the mix. I'm not certain how that will go, but I do know that Blaze likes children. Indy may not have ever seen a child, for all I know. I'm sure he'll come around eventually.