I'm just about done with another seminary quarter. This quarter featured the diverse classes of Genesis through Ruth and a class on Self in Community.
By adding two foster care kids this quarter, I feel like this has lasted for a year, not just a few months. To say I am looking forward to a few weeks break from classes is an understatement. I need to find a new routine with the kiddos and find some time to clean up a few projects (like say, train for a 1/2 marathon, actually write an in-depth blog post, sleep). I also have a few old things starting like children's ministries and choir.
But I know that I soon will be looking forward to a new set of classes, even though I am also longing to complete this degree.
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1 year ago
I know you love to do everything, but remember to Sabbath. Maybe you don't need to do children's ministry, choir, a half marathon, write a book, and solve world hunger all before Christmas this year. Maybe its time to step back from some things and learn how to be a mom with kids in the house. I am so grateful that both times I have taken placements it was during a time when I didn't have a job and was able to make time to learn how to be a dad and bond with the children.
I know that wasn't an open ended question, sorry.
Thanks for your reminder. I am trying to do less this fall than I have before. While I still have a few things on the schedule, I have taken a few off too. We have so far settled into a routine of sorts, but that will change this week when the 7th grader goes back to school.
As for the half marathon, I doubt I will be running much, if any of it. It will likely be a very long walk. If I finish, I finish, and if not, then fine.
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