Friday, August 19, 2011

9/11 Rememberances

The 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack is in 3 weeks.  I understand that we want to take time to remember the people who were killed on that date and since in our fight against terrorists.

However, I am already tired of seeing a constant stream of stories about that date.  I suspect that every family who lost someone that date will be interviewed several times about their thoughts and how it feels to be 10 years on.  My guess is that the wound is still fresh and the holes left by the victims have not healed.

I don't need a story a day to remember.  A week's worth of stories would be more than enough and would hit the highlights.

This is akin to finding candy corn in the store at the end of July.  Candy corn is a Halloween treat, and I will be sick of seeing it by the time the leaves turn in another 30 days.

A little of something leaves you wanting more, too much leaves a stomach ache.  I suspect both the 9/11 coverage and the candy corn will leave us all a little sick to the stomach.