Sunday, August 14, 2011

Calling me "Mommy"?

Within hours of the start of our first overnight/ weekend visit, the foster kids are calling me "Mommy" and telling me they love me.  I was surprised at how conflicted I was by this.

It isn't that I don't like or want them to call me "Mommy," but I didn't envision this happening until well into our relationship.  I hate it, but I wonder how many other women have been "Mommy" in their lives.  And what expectations they have for me in that role.  I wonder what expectations I have for myself in the role as well. 

As for "I love you," it's like trying to figure out whether to say it back to someone you've been dating for a short time.  It feels false, but does have some element of the truth in it.  So do you answer back the same way or let it go?  I decided to respond but wonder if that is the right thing to do.

After I dropped the kids back at their current home, they called me "Mommy" as I left.  The other "mom" smiled and was excited that they were calling me it.  Fortunately, this is the way things are developing with hopes of a permanent placement.

In the short term, I'm learning to answer to "Mom" and "Mommy" when called.