Saturday, August 27, 2011

Deal Breakers

Since I've added a couple kiddos to the household, I'm quickly learning what my deal-breakers are.  By deal breaker, I mean quirks that drive me crazy!

First, I hate doing laundry.  So, I'm imposing limits on how many towels/underwear/socks can be used each day.  Otherwise, I have one child who thinks 2 towels a day is great, plus 3 pair of underwear and 2 pair socks.  The other has 1 towel, but 2 undies and 3 socks.  At this rate, they are out of undies and socks before noon every other day!

Another deal breaker is the pets.  Little One thinks the dog deserves half of every meal eaten.  Blaze is great with this.  In fact, he parks beneath the chair waiting for his cut.  However, his tummy is not as gracious, and I'm having to clean up messes from an overfull dog.  So, I'm limiting the amount of treats and food he gets.  Both kids are trying to sneak the cats into their beds at night.  This doesn't bother me except that the cats do not stay put, and end up running wild at night instead.  So, Hatteras, the kitten, is locked up in the basement and Indy, the older one, is locked out of some of the rooms.

Neither kid likes "spicy" food.  I love spicy food.  So, I'm trying to figure out how to sneak the spices in, as it appears once they try things, they like them.  We'll see if the Mexican food ban sticks or not.  We also have the typical ages issues: the teen wants to eat to lose weight (although not a pound overweight) so won't eat some "too fattening" things (like celery!), usually saying this as bags of M&M's are eaten, while the toddler doesn't want to eat anything and has to have minimum bites eaten set for each food.

I'm sure other things will crop up, but for now, I'm trying to avoid too many issues and just let the kids be kids.


Ryan said...

One of the most important aspects of foster care is learning to pick your battles. Some people don't understand this and wonder why you let your kids do some things they wouldn't allow. All the while you know that you already have 5 rules in force and the kids can't handle anymore new rules at that time. Keep up the good work!

Annette said...


I think that is a good point. My Little One likes drama, so a day with only 2 crying fits is a very good day. I'm getting so I put her to bed early if she is too cranky - just not worth the battles to keep her up. She seems to sleep well, so that is a good thing. She's quickly learning that I mean the choices and the consequences that I say. The older one is still behaving. We'll see what happens in the future.

I'm also struck by how much there is a back story that I don't know and others certainly know less than I do. It does impact how they live (right now both are obsessed with being in the same room with me).

Hope yours are adjusting to school. It is amazing how much a regular routine helps keep things on track.