Friday, March 25, 2011

Where there's a Will

As I am working through the foster care process and the international adoption process, one of the questions that keeps popping up is whether I have a will.  I do not have one.

As a lawyer, I know that I should have one.  But I have never taken the time to get it done.

I finally asked another lawyer if she could prepare a will for me.  Naturally, she said yes, and I now have homework to do in preparation for our meeting.

In some ways, thinking about death and the distribution of my property is a bit strange.  I am hopeful that I have decades of time before this is really needed.  In reality, I know that death may appear on my doorstep at any time.

As my law professor, who has a very young widow, said, "I know death happens to everyone, but I fully expect an exception to be made in my case."