Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Foster Care Classes

I'm one third of the way into my foster care classes.  It is interesting how I keep hearing the same information from a variety of sources: children grieve the loss of their birth family, whether they were given up or the government stepped in; the grief cycle is a process everyone goes through; attachment issues are common; and adoptive/foster families need to look at their infertility issues.

Even though it is repetitive of some of the things I have read, I am enjoying the class, and it is always great to hear how other people think through the process. 

It does make me wonder how churches should be equipping people to be parents and families.  By that I mean that grief is something we all go through.  Parents sometimes have problems with attachment issues (ie children don't attach and/or parents are too attached).  And we all have dreams we give up along the pathway of life - that job we really wanted, the child we didn't have, the house that was too expensive, the relationships we've damaged or not created.