Friday, March 11, 2011

Roger Goodell is Writing Me?

Shortly after the Super Bowl, I got an emailed letter from Roger Goodell about the upcoming contract negotiations between the league owners and the players.  I thought it was interesting that the NFL commissioner was writing the fans to get his side of the dispute out.

Today, I got a second e-mail. (And how I am on the mailing list, I don't know).  I find it fascinating that so much time is spent on spin for the fans.  In fact, the fans have every right to be disgusted by the whole process.

First, the reason the sides are bickering about money is because the fans give them so much.  The fans buy tickets, watch games, and buy merchandise.

While the players sacrifice their bodies for the sport, the owners sacrifice, well, I'm sure they sacrifice something.  The owners are the ones who plan for the future, usually how to pluck more money out of each municipality they live in, again at the expense of the taxplayers/fans.  

Meanwhile, the players demand more and more money to support their lifestyles.

So the big question is who will win this dispute?  Well, the guaranteed losers are the fans.  Any way you slice it, the fans will pay for it.