Monday, November 8, 2010


As an introvert, I thrive on being alone.  I still need interaction with people, but I also crave the time to reflect, think, and plan that solitude brings me.  In fact, I get grumpy and frazzled if I am forced to spend too much time in a large group!

Someone asked me how I could spend so much time alone.  I find there are always things to distract you: television, radio, books, the internet, friends, housework or exercise.  I don't even realize most of the time that I am alone.

On the other hand, I wonder how people spend so much time together!  When do you find time to think things through when you are constantly interacting with others?  

Like most things, God intend us to enjoy a balance of time together and time in solitude.  Jesus modeled this to us during his lifetime.

I find comfort in the fact that Jesus took time to himself.  In solitude, he would pray and talk with God (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, Luke 6:12).  Occasionally he'd let a couple disciples come along with him, but the multitude did not get to intrude in this time (Matthew 26:36, Luke 9:18, Luke 9:28).

Have you ever wondered what Jesus prayed about?  What did he need to say to God on a consistent basis?  Why was it important to him to spend the time in solitude?  What benefits would solitude have for us today?

For more Women of Faith blogs on solitude, click here


Ryan said...

So do you find all the scheduled events together during seminary intensives "too much"? I enjoy all the time with everyone, and I am glad to spend lots of time with my wife on the weekend between and after intensives because she missed me so much, but I REALLY enjoy my first Monday after intensives when I can go back to my office by myself and even shut the dogs out of the room and just be alone.

Annette said...

Sometimes, yes. It helps that it is a group that I know well, and I can plan for it. I generally have the weekends to recharge (and we don't do something all night every night either). So, I still get some time to myself.

For me the stress is worse when it is a group I don't know very well - like going to a party where I only know two people, etc. But too long of a time without some solitude makes me jittery too - like a vacation with family/friends where I can't get off by myself.

So, I understand your time in the office by yourself!

Ryan said...

You should stay in a dorm room with people that you can talk with all night long. Kretchy, Tony, and I stay up until after midnight almost every night. I love the conversations, but that much Kretchy is a LOT.