Saturday, November 6, 2010

SEEL Retreat #3

Three retreats in, and I'm learning a lot.  To recap, I'm doing an Ignatius spiritual retreat called "Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life." Ignatius' idea was to complete the exercises within 30 days; we are spreading out the exercises over nine months.

We have focused on finding solitude and silence and longing for God.  For the next month, we're looking at God's love.  

One of Ignatius' foundations is that we will strip ourselves of our "inordinate affections" so that we can make decisions that are not based on disordered affections, but rather on what God wants for us.

I think this foundation is very true.  I get skewed priorities and ideas that I need to set back aright. By remaining in God's presence through prayer, I learn about myself and about where He wants me.