Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

I've already headed to the polls to vote.  I love actually going instead of absentee voting because it evokes memories of going to vote with my parents.  I was fascinated by the voting booth with its sliding curtain, levers to pull and buttons to push.  They even had a sample machine that was Barbie-sized to see how things worked in the actual booth.

Another reason I love going to vote is to see my neighbors. It is amazing who you run into when voting.  And, since you usually have time to chat while you wait, you can always make a few new friends.

Given the nationwide impact our votes can have, it is important that everyone exercise their right to vote.  My motto is "If you don't vote, you can't complain!"


Ryan said...

At 8:30 PM on election day I was thinking of not voting. But then I remembered Annette wouldn't let me complain if I didn't, so off I went to the local voting center.