Today was the First Sunday in Advent. As the First Sunday in Advent, it is also the first sunday of the liturgical year. As a Protestant, I identify Advent because of the lighting of the Advent candles, and our sermon series turns to Christmas-like themes. Beyond that, I don't know that I do anything significant. I think I miss out on some of the expectation that should be building. Some of the wonder.
I rarely focus on how long the world waited for Jesus' arrival. I miss the wonder of the creation of Fully God, Fully Man. How does that come to be? How can the ability to sin live in harmony and equality with perfection? I don't know that I can comprehend it. Yet at the same time, I have the same battle going on in my soul - my flesh demands its way, while the spirit tries to gain control. Jesus never gave into the flesh. The spirit does not often have control of my life. Such paradox. Such wonder.
So this Advent, I am trying to slow down and enjoy the wait. I also want to spend some time meditating on Mary. Mary deserves some recognition. God selected her to bear His Son, so there must have been some glimmer in her, some spark, that the rest of us do not have. What could Mary know that I don't? What do I know that she couldn't?
In my chorale group, we are singing two Magnificat songs. The Magnificat is the song Mary sings after Gabriel tells her of her pregnancy. The songs I am singing are quite different but at the same time, mirror the words in Luke 1:46-55 (KJV):
My soul doth magnify the Lord,
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior;
For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden:
For, behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed,
For he that is mighty hath done to me great things;
And holy is his name,
And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
He hath showed strength with his arm;
He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent away empty.
He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy
As he spake to our father, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.
I want my soul to magnify the Lord and my spirit to rejoice in God my Savior.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
1st Sunday in Advent
Posted by Annette at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Advent, Christian Life, Mary, una vocis
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday Madness
I did not go shopping today. In fact, I rarely go shopping on Black Friday. I don't like crowds, and the deals are never on anything that I want or need.
At times, I think it would be an interesting experience to be at wal-mart or the shopping mall at 3 a.m. As an experience, it would be fun with the right people to be with. I'm still not sure that the "deals" are worth the effort.
I am amused by the number of ads on TV, the newspaper and the internet advertising the sales on various things. It appears that everyone has the same price for the same items. I'm not sure how that makes anything a deal, but who knows.
Posted by Annette at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Black Friday, shopping
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Adopt from Foster Care or Internationally? Or Both?
Although I am still a couple months from getting my foster care license and about as long from making a firm commitment on adopting internationally, I am still wrestling with how to proceed. My issue isn't so much whether I'll do either of them but in what order should I do it?
As I've written before, internationally adoption is an expensive proposition. It can easily cost between $20,000 to $30,000 with an agency. The other complicating issue is that Haiti, in particular, will not let you have children in the home. This would seem to preclude foster to adopt while waiting for the Haiti adoption to go through (which could be several years).
By the same token, I know there are many children waiting for families here in the US. It seems silly to wait (possibly years) when there is so much need.
Posted by Annette at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: adoption, foster parenting, Haiti
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thankfulness: A learned response
When I graduated from law school, I had to take the bar exam to be licensed. I spent most of the summer studying and taking a class (which helps you study for the exam). Finally, I spent three days in July answering questions. Then the hard part started: waiting. I was lucky, in Iowa the results are back by mid-September. My classmates in California and New York had to wait until November and December to find out their results.
After all that waiting, I finally could find a job as a lawyer. However, that was not so easy. As September led to October and then November, I still hadn't found a job. With student loan payments looming on the horizon, I needed to find a job to earn some money.
So, I became a Merry Maid and cleaned houses. This job opened my eyes in a lot of ways. First, I learned humility. I had a bit of an ego after graduating from college and law school. All that education had prepared me to be in charge of something. With the Merry Maids job, I was working with women who generally did not have a college education. Most of them had more seniority at the job than I did, so I got bossed around by them. In reality, most of them were much better at cleaning than I was - they were more efficient, cleaned better and were more thorough than I. It was exactly what I needed after months and years of having people tell me I was great for going to college and going to law school. Being reminded that education isn't everything and that people without education have valuable skills and insight too was important.
I also learned from them that we humans have similar goals. We all want a better life. We want our children to be well fed, well educated and well-loved. We have relationship troubles, often brought on by our own choices and actions. As we traveled to various houses in the area, I had a lot of time to talk with my co-workers and learn from their life experiences. It gave me great insight to my clients' lives.
As I worked cleaning, I was left a lot of time to think (vacuuming does not require deep thought). So I started spending my work time praying. It was amazing how many people I could pray for during the course of a day. I could spend the time being thankful for the job I had, the job I hoped was around the corner, and the relationships I was forming with my co-workers.
I did finally get my first law job, and although it was what I wanted, it did require that I give up some of the prayer life I had developed. Law required a bit more focus than cleaning out someone's sink and toilet did!
I was reminded this month of that job as one of my old co-workers died. I wish I had gotten the chance to tell her how thankful I was for the time I spent working with her and the things she had taught me.
Posted by Annette at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christian Life, Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
One More Step
I am now registered for PS-MAPP classes, which is the Iowa foster parent training. The downside is it will not start until late February. In any event, I am excited to be taking a few steps further down the path.
In the meantime, I have been contemplating the two possible paths: foster to adopt or international adoption. I still feel like international adoption is something I'd like to try, but the cost is so astounding that I don't know if it is worth it. I also am torn about which country to adopt from. As a single woman, my options are limited. Right now I like Haiti, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Burundi, the Congo and Brazil as possible options.
As for foster to adopt, I am fascinated by the website which profiles kids available for adoption. Just about any combination is available: 2, 3, 4, or up to 12 kids. Boys and girls. Infant to 18 yr olds. All longing for families.
But in the meantime, I have to wait for the next step.
Posted by Annette at 6:06 PM 2 comments
Labels: adoption, Brazil, Burundi, Congo, foster parenting, Haiti, Marshall Islands, Mongolia
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Gomer: Unfaithfulness to Redemption
Posted by Annette at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Christian Life, Women of the Bible
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Jezebel: A Character Study
Jezebel flexed her muscle and convinced her husband Ahab to abandon his father’s God and worship hers, much like Solomon’s wives lead him astray. I Kings 16:32 relates that Ahab built Baal a new temple in Samaria. And in that temple, he placed an alter for Baal worship. Ahab also set up an Asherah pole.
Lesson Learned
So what can today's woman learn from Jezebel? First, there are consequences when we flout God's law. Although they may not be immediate, those consequences do come. Jezebel tried to ignore God's law and paid for it with her life and her family's lives.
Second, Jezebel, like all of us, is deeply rooted in the traditions of her family. We need to examine our lives to see what traditions (both good and bad) we carry over into our adult lives. Things like gossiping, substance abuse, anger management problems, emotional manipulation, overeating, over-spending, abuse and other bad habits may be deeply embedded in our lives via our family traditions and patterns. We must be vigilant to remove them from our daily life and thoughts, or we risk passing them to another generation of our families.
Self-centeredness or getting our own way without concern for others is a dangerous path. In Jezebel's case, it lead her to murder and theft. We can exhibit the same qualities when we steal time from our employers by talking on the phone or playing on the internet or when we assassinate another's character by talking about them. In God's eyes, these are still theft and murder and they arise from the same selfish part of the heart that Jezebel's actions did.
Finally, we learn from Jezebel about our God. He is powerful. He pursues us (just as He sought to prove to Israel his power). He desires that we keep his law faithfully. He is just, in that He does not let scoffers like Jezebel go without punishment.
Posted by Annette at 11:08 AM 1 comments
Labels: Christian Life, Jezebel, Women of the Bible
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Spiritual Discipline: Scripture Memorization
A few posts ago, I commented that I wanted to rethink how I do my own spiritual disciplines and look at how we teach spiritual disciplines in the modern American church. My first stop is scripture memorization.
My church is currently doing a sermon series on Romans 12, and as part of that, we read/recite the first two verses each week. I think this is a good (and sneaky) way to get people to memorize scripture without even realizing it. The repetition over several weeks certainly helps people think about the verse, and possibly commit it to memory.
I know that many churches have Awana programs that help teach and reward children for scripture memory, but I'm not sure how many programs exist for adults.
I never attended Awana, but we did do some scripture memory at church. I am always surprised when a verse pops back to me (not always with the correct citation) in times I need it. But I have recently felt the need to add more time in my schedule to devote to scripture memorization.
Of course, with anything I do, I have to figure out how to make it work in my schedule and not become another thing to check off. I suspect many people don't do scripture memorization due to the time involved. My current plan is to tape up a verse near my bathroom mirror to recite each morning and night. My hope is that within a week I will have memorized it and can move onto a new verse.
In the past, I have tried memorizing while I walk on the treadmill. I tried this first in law school when I was memorizing terms and concepts. A friend of mine and I would go to the gym with stacks of cards (available in any fine law book store) and study them, swapping decks half way through the gym session. This approach did seem to work, but my treadmill walking has fallen off during the nice weather outside. Never fear, this is Iowa and the weather is due to change any day now, making this method a possibility again too.
So how do you sneak a few verses into your memory? How do you think the church should encourage scripture memorization?
Posted by Annette at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Scripture memory, spiritual disciplines
Monday, November 8, 2010
As an introvert, I thrive on being alone. I still need interaction with people, but I also crave the time to reflect, think, and plan that solitude brings me. In fact, I get grumpy and frazzled if I am forced to spend too much time in a large group!
Posted by Annette at 12:45 PM 3 comments
Labels: prayer, solitude, Women of Faith
Saturday, November 6, 2010
SEEL Retreat #3
Three retreats in, and I'm learning a lot. To recap, I'm doing an Ignatius spiritual retreat called "Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life." Ignatius' idea was to complete the exercises within 30 days; we are spreading out the exercises over nine months.
We have focused on finding solitude and silence and longing for God. For the next month, we're looking at God's love.
One of Ignatius' foundations is that we will strip ourselves of our "inordinate affections" so that we can make decisions that are not based on disordered affections, but rather on what God wants for us.
I think this foundation is very true. I get skewed priorities and ideas that I need to set back aright. By remaining in God's presence through prayer, I learn about myself and about where He wants me.
Posted by Annette at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day
I've already headed to the polls to vote. I love actually going instead of absentee voting because it evokes memories of going to vote with my parents. I was fascinated by the voting booth with its sliding curtain, levers to pull and buttons to push. They even had a sample machine that was Barbie-sized to see how things worked in the actual booth.
Another reason I love going to vote is to see my neighbors. It is amazing who you run into when voting. And, since you usually have time to chat while you wait, you can always make a few new friends.
Given the nationwide impact our votes can have, it is important that everyone exercise their right to vote. My motto is "If you don't vote, you can't complain!"
Posted by Annette at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Labels: Election