A couple weeks ago, I applied for a different job - as a judge. I did not get the position. However, it put into motion a lot of thinking about what I want to do next in my life. Do I want to continue to advance up the ranks at work? What if that means moving? What if an opportunity presents itself in the next couple months (which is actually very possible)?
Or do I settle in here, where I am comfortable and enjoy life? Having just moved in the last six months, I am not keen on moving again. I found I wasn't too excited about changing jobs right now.
Maybe that is because I just experienced those things and know how much work it would be. Or maybe I am becoming complacent in a comfortable situation, which isn't a bad thing once in a while.
How does seminary fit in? Is a radical change in my career in the offing?
My concern is that I don't want to change just to change, chasing an elusive dream instead of doing what will add to my quality of life (which is not necessarily money or more time at work).
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1 year ago
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