Monday, September 27, 2010

Beans & Rice

A blog I read suggested eating more beans and rice.  Her reason was that it was easy to make in a crockpot and rice cooker and, more importantly, all of her children would eat it.

There is also a movement to eat more beans and rice as a way to identify and support countries where the meal is a staple.  The meal is cheap, easy to make and relatively healthy as a vegetarian dish with protein.

And the variations are endless. Add a few spices, and it tastes one way; add some others and it is favored another way.

I decided to try it today, so I made my first batch of black beans (with a bay leaf, onion and garlic salt) and brown rice.  As it was my first use of the rice cooker, I had a slight malfunction.  But by the time to eat, I had everything done.  It had a good favor, and was fairly filling.

I cooked the beans in the crockpot overnight on low and the rice was cooked this morning.  I'm excited to see what I can do with the leftovers - Mexican dishes, cha-cha gohan, and other delicacies.