Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burning the Koran

A church of 50 people in Florida plans to burn multiple Korans on September 11th.  The publicity stunt (what else could it be?) has already generated much negative press, including condemnation from General Petraeus, Secretary of State Clinton, the Vatican and Angelina Jolie (I know you were waiting to see what her stance was!).

The church, which has been denied a burning permit, plans to proceed anyway.  The pastor, Terry Jones, says he wants the burning to be a warning message that radical Islam will not be tolerated.

While his message may be one that many agree with, the method of delivering it is problematic.  Instead of garnering sympathy and agreement, Jones' message will incite moderate Muslims into the more radical sects.  Unlike Christians, who are taught to turn the other cheek and will overlook an insult on their scriptures, Muslims are vowed to keep the name of their prophet and their scriptures sacred.

Petraeus is concerned that it will cause further problems in Afghanistan with the American troops serving there.  In reality, it will make evangelism more difficult in Muslim countries as American Christians are lumped in with this group of 50 who are burning the Koran.

This clash is a clash of cultures and values, with both sides misunderstanding each other.  The burning of one side's holy book will only incite more violence and trouble, not bridge the divide.


Ryan said...

Thats why I gave up on Christianity and have decided to just follow Jesus. Hooligans like them make the name "Christian" one I'm unwilling to wear ;-)

Annette said...

I'm glad to see you've come to terms with it. You do realize that by the time the next generation arrives, they will probably be back to "Christians."