Friday, September 3, 2010


I wrote a couple days ago that Paris Hilton appeared to have a friend problem, as she keeps getting in trouble with her "friend's" drugs.  I thought I'd expound a bit on that idea.

As a criminal defense attorney, I see people get swept up into situations that initially seemed innocent.  This, however, is the exception, not the rule.  Many more people slide into illegal activity by hanging around those who are already engaged in marginal activities.  Marginal activities like over-indulging in alcohol, using marijuana (which is a gateway drug that leads to meth, coke, herion, etc), vandalism, theft or other crimes.

By hanging around people who think these behaviors are OK, or who even celebrate this way of life loosens the restraints that may have previously held the influencee back.  Before they really think things through, they are engaging in the same marginal behavior.

Often, the hardest part for people dealing with substance abuse addictions is getting away from the people they socialize with and who are fine with the substance abuse use.  In other words, it is hard to ditch the guys during football season if they are your friends and it involves drinking heavily while watching the game.

I don't remember how many clients have told me that they were fine being an "island," staying away from the bad influences until one showed up at the door and offered "pseudo-relationship" (and a bag or bottle of something).

Settling at the lowest common denominator is common in friendships - that is why parents are right to be worried about their kids.

Recognizing when a person is a bad influence is a skill everyone needs to develop and recognize when it is happening in life.  I know that I have "friends" whom I have decided are not good for me - their company does not encourage me to be a better person.  I know I have to be on alert to their ideas and influences in my life when I am around them, and I need to evaluate how I relate to them.  On the other hand, I have friends who I don't have to filter those things with because their influence is encouraging and uplifting.

It appears Paris's friends fall into the "bad influence" category.  Her worldview allows drug use to be accepted.