Saturday, November 5, 2011

November is National Adoption Month

I've only been a foster parent for a few months, but it is a very rewarding process.  While many people comment that they think it is great that I am a foster mom, they are very reluctant to step up to the plate and do it themselves.

While foster parenting is an imposition to some degree, the rewards outweigh the problems.  First, in Iowa, there is a 10 week training program that answers questions, provides resources and explains the process.  Next, there is  ongoing contact with a social worker, plus information is available through support groups for foster parents.  Naturally, there is medical assistance and financial assistance for the children. 

Truly helping children and families through a difficult time is a great reward. 

Not to mention hugs, kisses and giggles.

How do you get involved?  In Iowa, contact

Need information on other states?  Or want to see some of the children in foster care who are looking for permanent homes?  Try