Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dark Nights of the Soul

I've never been very mystical.  My spirituality, my Christianity, and my personality do not lend themselves to mysticism.  I'm too practical and logical to be having visions or experiences.

But, lately, I've been fascinated by reading books about "Dark Nights of the Soul."  I've read St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila.  And now I'm reading about Mother Teresa's struggles.

In many ways, I don't get it.  Whether this is because I've never experienced the ecstasy of mysticism or because I haven't experience the "Night," I don't know.  It is very interesting to know the depths of spiritual longing and pain that some go through.  It is comforting to know that one can remain faithful, even if one is not experiencing God at the optimal level.

It's not that I want to experience the "Night," either, as it sounds like a soul-searing process.  But it appears to leave its mark.

I guess that the books about people failing to make it through are not well read.  But maybe I should be looking at those too!