Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yoga for Christians?

Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler is decrying yoga use by Christians.  Mohler points out, correctly, that yoga is a practice originated in India and is derived from Eastern religions.  The  Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainism religions all use yoga as a part of their worship.  Yoga is also a part of the "New Age" movement.

It is not a traditional Christian discipline or practice.  However, I wonder if yoga could be embraced (with modifications) by Christians.  My basis for this belief is in 1 Corinthians 10, where Paul writes about  eating meat offered to idols.  Paul asserts in verse 8, that eating the meat is not a sin, for "food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do."

Paul cautions that we need to be aware as Christians that our use of these items may cause others to stumble and we need to make sure we are not causing a downfall for others in our freedom.  I think this is the crucial issue with yoga.  We need to make sure that it is stripped of its "pagan" meaning - by removing the chants, prayers to Buddha and others, and by making sure we are not worshipping the body through our yoga.

We should also take care that our use of yoga does not encourage or confuse others  and mix Christianity with Eastern religions.

In short, unlike Mohler, I do not see yoga as something Christians have to shun, but it is an area we need to proceed with caution.