Saturday, October 16, 2010

SEEL Retreat #2

Today I had my second SEEL (Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life) retreat.  Like my first experience, it was a "Wow" moment connecting with others who are seeking to deepen their relationship with God.  I was struck anew with the idea that we are all different, yet have common experiences.  Unique, but the same.

Humans long to be infinite.  Something about our finite physical life bothers us.  We strive to make a mark that is permanent, whether through achievements or children, fantastic deeds, power or wealth.  We want to be remembered for our time here.  We want others to notice us, love us, remember us when we are gone.

We yearn for infinity.  And the only one way we can achieve infinity is through God.

Some of us haven't figured that out yet.  Others of us need to be reminded.