Sunday, October 24, 2010

World Vision: Price for Life?

I attended a Women of Faith conference this weekend.  As I have attended in the past, I knew that WoF is heavily involved in getting women to sponsor children through WorldVision.

I have always thought sponsorship would be a good idea, but I had never put my money where my mouth is.  So, this weekend I decided to sponsor a child through World Vision.  My reasons were that I do have enough money to afford the monthly sponsorship and it was a great way to help those less fortunate.

WorldVision is a non-profit organization founded in 1950.  There is much more to their mission than just child sponsorship - you can gift animals, medicine, small business loans, and other things to those in need.  The organization serves over 100 million people in 100 different countries.  Most importantly, 89% of the money given to the organization goes directly into programs, not into management (4%) or fundraising (7%).

The money they raise go to families to improve their way of life.  WorldVision encourages sponsors to write their sponsored children to develop relationship.  The sponsorship provides food, tools to grow crops, water, health care and education.

In short, sponsorship is a great way to serve the "least of these" in Jesus' name.


Ryan said...

My wife and I buy animals from World Vision as Christmas gifts for family. Then we give a card to our family members telling them about their gift with a cute little picture of the animal. Most of our family loves it, except for the selfish ones who would rather have "stuff". A billy goat is only $75.

Annette said...


That sounds like a lovely idea! It solves so many problems - what to buy, will they like it, and how to deal with our consumer society.

That said, I wouldn't try it as the only gift for the kiddos! :)