Sunday, January 17, 2010


I enjoy Sundays. However, as I add more and more responsibilities from church, I find that I am more stingy about spending my time in my Sunday afternoon and evening. It isn't that there aren't things that would be worthy of doing, but more that I enjoy my time to recover from my week/weekend and to prepare for the next week.

It is not that I necessarily accomplish things. I spend the time watching sports, reading, doing something crafty, hanging out on twitter or facebook, catching up on things and relaxing. Sometimes I do homework for my seminary classes, but often that is more to get ahead of the week than to finish up a week (or at least I strive to).

One of my favorite "Sunday" things to do is to soak my feet in a hot water bath while I either watch TV or read the paper. It really lowers my stress level! The joys of living alone, I guess.