Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My current Kids

A big part of my life is spent taking care of my pets, a Sheltie named Blaze and a fluffy white cat named Indy. Blaze was picked up at a farm who bred Shelties, while Indy came to me via an animal rescue.

At first, Blaze was sure they would be friends, while Indy determined that they would be mortal enemies to the death. After he was declawed, Indy decided they could be friends. Now, when I bring Blaze home from the kennel after a vacation, Indy runs up to him and licks under his chin. Blaze is equally happy to see the cat (and sometimes will groom Indy as well!).

I am amazed at how much they improve my life. They are constant companions, and both like to "talk" during the course of our time together. Blaze will even prompt me if I am running late for work (although this is more because he's anxious for his treat, not because of his concern for my tardiness).

If I adopt a child, the child will likely be added to the mix. I'm not certain how that will go, but I do know that Blaze likes children. Indy may not have ever seen a child, for all I know. I'm sure he'll come around eventually.