Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Routines, Schedules & Busy Days

I'm trying to stick with somewhat of a routine or schedule each week. 

I seem to get thwarted by someone getting sick or a doctor's appointment or some special event (conferences, open houses, games etc).  But, it does seem to be working.

In the midst of this, I'm trying to find time to just be together.  Eating dinner.  Watching TV.  Goofing around.  Doing homework (Or coloring if you are under 5).

Sometimes, this leaves me with little time to do things that I think need to be done (like housework!) or have discussions on a variety of topics (sex, manners, character, etc).  I have been able to have a few discussions about these issues as they occur during conversations, TV shows or life events.  I just wish I could be more intentional about it (but that could be my planning strength showing through).

I wonder if the routine and just plain ordinariness of it is why God exhorts the Israelites to remember His saving power.  I know when I am trying to figure out what to cook for dinner (that doesn't have cheese, potatoes, spices in it), I'm not thinking about how complaining about manna in the desert lead the Israelites into major problems (but it might justify my plan to fix cheesy potatoes with extra garlic just to prove those food rules have no power in my house!).