Saturday, October 8, 2011

God's Grace Comes First

I'm reading a new book called Old Testament Ethics for the People of God by Christopher J.H. Wright.  I'm only about a chapter into it, but it is a really igniting my passion for the Old Testament.  I think most Christians want to skip over the old stuff and get right to Jesus.  But this misses much of the story.

One of Wright's first points is that God's Grace always comes first.  Before God gives the law to the Israelites, He first saves them from Egypt, leads them to meet with Him, and calls them His people. It's not about keeping the law, but celebrating God's grace to save us.

It is so much easier to view the Old Testament as a collection of old stories, poems, and rules that have no application to me in my life.  Jesus is the answer.  But Jesus himself revered and kept the law.  Recited the stories and poems found in the Old Testament.

I know that I need new eyes to see the whole of the Bible and to apply it to my life.  Hopefully, Wright's book will be a big help in that process.