Saturday, October 29, 2011

Interviewing a New Shepherd

I spent three nights this week interviewing three candidates for our lead pastor position at church.  During the process, I got to know my fellow search team members, and as struck by how each person does ministry differently.

Each of the candidates had a very different personality.  It was interesting to see how experience, life situations and other factors played into how each perceived the challenge of coming to our church.  We also had to disclose the good, the bad and the ugly during the process and put our hopes and dreams for the future on the line.  Can one of these candidates bring about the change the congregation desires?

And how would each candidate's leadership qualities come into play at the church?  Would it be too strident, too laid-back, or just right. 

I haven't had time to speak with the rest of the time yet.  But, I was struck that each of the candidates would probably work at our church, but the bigger question is which one will be best?

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I've always been self-motivated.  I like get my work done early, think about it and then turn it in.  I don't like the stress of doing something at the last minute, even though at times I have had to do it.

So, I'm completely flustered with the last minute or missed deadline thinking.  And now, I have a child who thinks deadlines are merely suggestions, not a date that means anything. 

Figuring out how to motivate these late -date thinkers is difficult.  On one hand, the pressure seems to be the place they like to go by doing things at the last minute.  On the other hand, it is the procrastination that is the bigger problem, as though by ignoring things they will go away.  I'm sure some of this is the result of transitioning from elementary school to junior high, but it still presents an issue.

As the first quarter of school is ending, I wonder how to make things better next quarter without driving myself and the child crazy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fashion Wars

I've been trying to convince the kiddos that winter was coming and that their shorts and tank tops were not going to cut it.  But whenever I brought up the subject as we shopped, it was ignored or outright rejected. 

So I stopped buying summer clothing.  This led to much angst from the preteen.  Meanwhile, the only pants being looked at were skintight.  I promptly informed the kids no more skinny jeans or leggings until we bought another style a few times.  It seemed that the only shirts we could find were either tight, midriff or tank top.  I didn't buy these either!

Today, I enlisted the aid of a few kids who dress in ways I like.  We went shopping and amazingly, the choices selected were much more conservative and more appropriate for school. 

Sneaky.  But effective.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Routines, Schedules & Busy Days

I'm trying to stick with somewhat of a routine or schedule each week. 

I seem to get thwarted by someone getting sick or a doctor's appointment or some special event (conferences, open houses, games etc).  But, it does seem to be working.

In the midst of this, I'm trying to find time to just be together.  Eating dinner.  Watching TV.  Goofing around.  Doing homework (Or coloring if you are under 5).

Sometimes, this leaves me with little time to do things that I think need to be done (like housework!) or have discussions on a variety of topics (sex, manners, character, etc).  I have been able to have a few discussions about these issues as they occur during conversations, TV shows or life events.  I just wish I could be more intentional about it (but that could be my planning strength showing through).

I wonder if the routine and just plain ordinariness of it is why God exhorts the Israelites to remember His saving power.  I know when I am trying to figure out what to cook for dinner (that doesn't have cheese, potatoes, spices in it), I'm not thinking about how complaining about manna in the desert lead the Israelites into major problems (but it might justify my plan to fix cheesy potatoes with extra garlic just to prove those food rules have no power in my house!).

Saturday, October 8, 2011

God's Grace Comes First

I'm reading a new book called Old Testament Ethics for the People of God by Christopher J.H. Wright.  I'm only about a chapter into it, but it is a really igniting my passion for the Old Testament.  I think most Christians want to skip over the old stuff and get right to Jesus.  But this misses much of the story.

One of Wright's first points is that God's Grace always comes first.  Before God gives the law to the Israelites, He first saves them from Egypt, leads them to meet with Him, and calls them His people. It's not about keeping the law, but celebrating God's grace to save us.

It is so much easier to view the Old Testament as a collection of old stories, poems, and rules that have no application to me in my life.  Jesus is the answer.  But Jesus himself revered and kept the law.  Recited the stories and poems found in the Old Testament.

I know that I need new eyes to see the whole of the Bible and to apply it to my life.  Hopefully, Wright's book will be a big help in that process.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bedtime Snacks?

I've never been a fan of bedtime snacks.  In fact, I hate eating after 7:30 p.m. because I find I don't sleep as well as when I eat earlier.  So, when kiddos moved in, they had been used to eating a bedtime snack.  This led us to one issue of adjustment.

I promptly ended that little bedtime ritual.  Now snacks only happen at night when someone is taking medication that needs food to be eaten with it. 

Occasionally, I read other blogs and news stories that expound on how wonderful it is to feed kids before bedtime.  I'm not fully convinced.  It seems like a bad habit to start, when eating before bed is adding calories when metabolism and calorie burning is at its slowest.  If I'm feeding them plenty at dinner, why do I need to add more food a couple hours later before they sleep?

What I've noticed is that once in a while, the kids ask for a snack before bed.  Most of the time, this is after we've discussed food or watched an ad on TV for the latest snack item.  If I ignore it, they forget about the snack and go to bed.  No one has yet woken up in the middle of the night complaining of being hungry.  In fact, I sometimes have to threaten them to eat breakfast because they are not hungry.

The other thing I've noticed is that the snacks they ask for at bedtime are sugar snacks, not healthy ones.  To the extent that they get one, I've made it be carrot sticks, apple slices or  a glass of milk.  Once, when given these choices, the kid decided to not eat anything (I think the hope was for a chocolate chip cookie).

I still wonder if this is the right approach or not, but since the kids seem to be growing at a healthy rate, I'll assume it is.  

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Toby Kruse named GM of Knoxville Raceway

On Wednesday, Knoxville Raceway announced that Toby Kruse had been selected by the Marion County Fair Board as general manager and promoter of the raceway.  Kruse will take over from retiring Ralph "Cappy" Capitani at the end of the year.

Kruse has extensive experience in motorsports, ranging from announcing, flagging, occasionally driving, and managing both Marshalltown Speedway and Beatrice Speedway.

As someone who has attended many races at Marshalltown and Knoxville, I am excited that Toby will be taking the helm and I anticipate good things!