In the past couple weeks, I've had to adjust to a summer routine. Since my typical ministry obligations take the summer off, this means I have a few more hours during the week to, well, do whatever I want. This summer, I've been working on a few projects at the house. So far, I've put curtains up and removed a few blinds, cleaned a couple closets, and reworked things in the backyard.
My Dad has been very helpful as he has installed a new garage door opener, put up a trellis, and removed a hideous "fence" off of the patio. In the spirit of recycling, the fence lattice work became the trellis!
I have also sought to discipline myself to do more bible study. Each night, I'm trying to do some non-school reading (right now it is Bryan Chapell's Christ Centered Preaching), and do some devotional reading. I found that if I use a daily reading (one on saints and one on contemporary issues), it helps apply some of the things I am learning in class. I've also been reading a chapter of Romans. While this sounds like a lot, I can do it all in less than 30 minutes.
One area I've failed in discipline is preparing for the Bellingham Bay Half-Marathon. Hopefully, I can do a better job sometime soon!
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1 year ago
Let me know what you think of Christ Centered Preaching. I read it during the Preaching class we took and thought it didn't offer much new to the discussion which Robertson hadn't already covered. My big takeaway was the Common(?) Fallen Condition and making sure that each sermon speaks to a specific area where humans are separated from God and how Jesus unites us.
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