Friday, May 20, 2011

Rapture on May 21st?

A preacher has predicted that tomorrow, May 21st, the rapture will occur.  For those who don't understand this Christian insider term, "the Rapture" is when those who believe in Christ are taken into heaven before the "Great Tribulation."

This hasn't always been considered to happen before the Tribulation, and in fact, the timing of the Rapture (pre-Trib, mid-Trib etc). is hotly disputed in many Christian circles.

The publicity of this prediction bothers me.  While on one hand Jesus' return is to be greatly celebrated, on the other the amount of ridicule that will land on Christians if the prediction is wrong will be great.

I do not believe the Rapture will occur tomorrow - in fact it may be the one time I could guarantee it will not occur.  Why?  Because the Bible is clear that no one but God knows the day and the hour.  This prediction is in direct contravention of scripture.

Why would God not want us to know when the Rapture would occur?  If we knew when it was, we could all put off following Christ until right before it happened.  Instead of living holy lives, we could live wild lives and repent at the last instant.  Some of us already try to do this by hoping for a death bed conversion and repentance.

So while the Rapture is something to look forward to, we are to continue on in the work God has called us to, so when Christ appears, he finds us faithful servants.