I owned one cat, Indy and one dog, Blaze. To me, this was an ideal number as they had each other to play with. Once Indy was declawed in the front, he was a good playmate for Blaze. Blaze is always welcoming to other animals, as long as he still gets his ears scratched regularly.
My cousin had several kittens on her farm that were needing a family. I had resisted taking one home until the kittens had slowly been killed off by assorted farm accidents and tomcats.
I visited her on a Friday, and by the next Wednesday, another cat had disappeared. So, my kind heart decided to take in another cat. He's quite a character and seems to be fitting in with the other two.
Hatteras, as I've named him after one of my favorite places, was very gentle with my niece and nephew, despite being carried around a couple times by his tail and neck!
Now we are working on a few words like "No" and "Off." I decided to lock him in the basement at night as he tends to wake me up too often to play. He keeps Indy quite entertained, and Indy has learned to put Haty in his place when he's tired.
I realized today that I am already going through cat litter and food at a quicker rate, and I fear a moving water bowl is on the horizon. But, for now, everyone is settling in quite easily.
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