Friday, December 10, 2010

A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

I have a love-hate relationship with Shane Claiborne.  At times, I really understand where he is coming from and think he has valid points.  At other times, I would like to thump him up-side the head with the largest Bible I can find.

So, it was with some mixed feelings that I purchased his newest "book," which is really a new take on an  old practice.  Claiborne, along with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and Enuma Okoro, designed a new liturgy of prayer for the church.  The "old" liturgy was the divine office or common book of prayer depending on denomination.

The books is called "A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals."  As someone who is always looking for a new way to add prayer to my life, I am somewhat excited about this book.  I have used Phyllis Tickle's books for the divine hours and a Benedictine breviary.  Both are helpful, but have limitations.  I'm sure that Claiborne's book will leave me with the same feelings.

I also expect that Claiborne will challenge me with some of his more radical ideas.  Like some of his ideas, I'm sure I will disagree with quite a few. There are a few others, however, that as I think on them, I am finding more and more merit to the idea.