Saturday, April 2, 2011

Losing Connections

I participated in a thought provoking exercise this week.

Think of the five most important connections you have in your life.  These can be people, places, things, pets, dreams, technological devices or anything else you can come up with that are important to you.

Now, choose one you have to lose.

Then another.

And another.

Finally, chose between the last two which one you will keep.

Odds are good that you decided to keep something related to your family or your faith.

For me, the first couple "losses" were not as big of deals as the final two.  While I would grieve those lost connections, with the help of the remaining ones, I could persevere.

Think of all those people in Japan who lost everything.  Their whole town is wiped off the map.  The house is gone. The pets are gone.  There is nothing left.  The corner grocery store is demolished.  The workplace a pile of sticks.

The church has been relocated five miles inland and now only has three walls.

Worse, the friends and family who could help you deal with these losses are gone as well.  Whether they are alive and relocated or dead, who knows?

So, what did you chose to keep as your connection?

Did you feel like a traitor when you chose one over another?  Or was your mind firmly set?