Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

I read a blog about 10 things the author wanted to pass on.  It started me thinking about what I would want to pass on to others.  Here is my quick list.  I expect my thoughts will change as I think about this more.

10.  Be Honest - with everyone, including yourself.
9.  Pray More rather than Less.
8.  There are two emotional traps: being too emotional and not being emotional enough.
7. Choose your friends wisely, for they will influence you greatly.
6.  Get a pet - it will teach you responsibility and be a fountain of life.
5.  Learn to apologize.  You are not perfect.
4.  Laugh.  Especially at yourself.
3.  Sex is a powerful drug. Using it outside marriage can lead to problems with your mental, emotional and physical health.
2.  Be creative.
1.  God loves you; Love Him back.